We use common tools to make rare and epic art
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Brendon "Bee DoubleHue" Williams

Bee DoubleHue

Bee DoubleHue is a visual artist that pushes the boundaries with unbridled honesty through image, technique, and raw talent.

Visually, DoubleHue is influenced by the surrealists, pop artist, and high renaissance predecessors.  DoubleHue draws inspiration to create from research, observation, personal opinion, and suggestions from friends and strangers alike. 

DoubleHue says' "Art appears to be consumable, but every bite that you take out of it, only creates more"

To create art, DoubleHue refrains from using tools for assistance as much as possible, but will use a hammer to drive a nail into the wall.  DoubleHue believes, "the struggle to achieve my idea of perfection is part of the art.  If I remove the struggle, I remove the soul of the work."

DoubleHue believes that art education is integral and should be taught to all.

